July 3, 2019

Takats Family | Steubenville, OH

Do ya’ll know who St. Swithin is? Because I had no idea who this little known Catholic saint was before this session. (I’ll go ahead and file that under “cool things I never thought I’d learn in business.”) We had to reschedule this shoot because the weather has been a little twitchy here in Steubenville. I grew up in California, where summer meant the-sun-is-always-out-because-it’s-always-out-but-now-that-it’s-summer-it’s-just-extra-hot. Here in Ohio? Not so much. It’s sunny and gorgeous one minute and then The Storm blows in and suddenly it’s pitch black and pouring rain.

Anyway, back to St. Swithin. When we rescheduled this shoot, Katie told me she’d offered up some prayers to her friend, St. Swithin, one of the little known “weather saints.” And man, did he deliver. We got to shoot on a gorgeous (only slightly humid) day, at the park, where the grass was miraculously dry. Winning! There’s also a legend that says if it rains on St. Swithin’s day (July 15), then it will rain for the following 40 days. I hope everyone will join me in asking St. Swithin to intercede for us and keep The Storms away from Steubenville! My kids and I will go nuts if we’re all stuck inside together that long. 😀

Saint Swithin”s Day, if thou dost rain, For forty days it will remain; Saint Swithin’s Day, if thou be fair, For forty days ’twill rain nae mair.

Takats family – I had so much fun with you on Sunday! Thanks for the introduction to St. Swithin, for your willingness to be on the grass without being in the grass, and for your friendship! I hope you had just as much fun as I did and that you love the photos of your sweet family.



Steubenville Family Photographer


Steubenville OH Family Photographer

Steubenville OH Family Photographer

Steubenville Family Photographer

Steubenville Family Photographer

Steubenville OH Family Photographer

Steubenville OH Family Photographer

Steubenville OH Family Photographer

Steubenville Family Photographer

Steubenville OH Family Photographer


Steubenville OH Family Photographer

Steubenville OH Family Photographer

Steubenville OH Family Photographer

Steubenville OH Family Photographer

Steubenville OH Family Photographer

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  1. Vickie Sue says:

    These are beautiful pictures. That is my son & “daughter-in-law “ & grandson. I can never get enough pictures as I am in PA. I am also glad the weather was nice. I too will saw a prayer for good weather on July 15. Thank you for the fantastic job.