December 3, 2020

Becca & Michael | Cincinnati, OH

These two are getting married NEXT week, which means it’s high time I get their engagement photos on the blog! I met up with these two back in August in Cincinnati, at the spot they had their first date. I love it when couples choose locations that are meaningful to them, especially when the location involves a quick break for ice cream. So if anyone wants to add more desserts to their sessions in 2021, I’m so here for it!

Becca and Michael are one of those happy, easy going couples who fall together so effortlessly. This year has been hard, there is no denying that. But throughout the wedding planning process, these two have been focused on what matters—the marriage, not the wedding day. When we spoke on the phone a few days ago, I could sense that same peace between them they had back in August. And gosh, I just can’t wait for them to carry that peace into their marriage as they become husband and wife next week.

Michael + Becca, EIGHT MORE SLEEPS! I cannot wait to celebrate with you two.

Cheers, friends!


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