March 27, 2020

Let’s take a moment…

Hi friends.

Today’s post is a little different. In the midst of so much anxiety, social distancing, and endless news cycles, I want to take a moment to just breathe, process, reflect, and search for the ways that the Holy Spirit is moving in my life.

Our quarantine started early. The boys had been trading a stomach bug back and forth for about a month and on our third round of vomit, both of them had it simultaneously. And then COVID-19 arrived and everything has just stopped. We haven’t found a good routine. I’m attempting to follow the rhythm of our oldest’s school days. Pinterest has become my best friend for Montessori inspired activities here at home. Hoopla and audiobooks are a new favorite, and if you have any recommendations for a 1 and 4 year old, please leave them below. (Bonus points if they’re Catholic!) Virtual happy hours with friends I have’n’t seen in a while have also been an unexpected joy in this season of isolation.

Overall, we’re ok.

I’m distinctly aware that we are so blessed to be part of the Steubenville community, that Alex’s job is stable, that I’m able to be home with the boys. It’s a luxury, and I am fully aware of that these days. I’m praying for each one of you who is struggling to balance it all. I’m praying for those who have lost loved ones to this disease. I’m praying for the healthcare workers, the ones on the front lines serving patient after patient after patient. You are incredible, and I’m praying for grace and strength and hope for you.

As I scroll news stories more and more frequently, I find myself searching for the stories of grace, of selflessness, of random acts of kindness. I wanted to share a few today in an effort to spread some love from here at home.

Random Acts of Kindness Around the World

  1. Free Little Libraries converted into Free Little Pantries during coronavirus outbreak

  2. Garbage man feels the love after inspiring message on Twitter goes viral

  3. Family celebrates Grandma’s 100th birthday from outside her window

  4. Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems offers kids a chance to learn to draw

  5. Texas Roadhouse CEO donates salary, bonus to workers

  6. Disneyland donates food during park closures

  7. Distilleries around the country make & give away hand sanitizer for free

  8. Caremongering comes to India

  9. Kids put on concert for elderly neighbor

  10. And my personal favorite—Catholic priest offers drive through Confession during coronavirus outbreak

To borrow from JK Rowling, “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” Here’s to those people who are remembering to bring light in this darkness, friends.

Praying for all of you,

