January 11, 2019

Welcome to Caitlin Renn Photography!

Hi friends!

I’m so thrilled you’re taking the time to look around my site. This venture has been a long time coming. When I was ten, I discovered my Dad’s cache of Minolta cameras. He let me burn WAY too much film (picture multiple drawers FULL of cartridges) on pictures of grass, clouds, and our family dog, Missy. I’ve been hooked on photography since.

Towards the end of 2017, I felt called to love others in a new, creative way. I decided 2018 would be the year to pick up my camera again. I’ve found such joy in preserving this time of my family’s life. Our boys are young and time is fleeting. These moments will pass so quickly. So I document our days, knowing that these memories will forever be as clear as the day they were made. I’ll treasure the gummy smiles, the books read over and over (and over) again, the hot summer afternoons picking berries in the garden, the countless hours spent playing on the floor. Because these are the days, and I want to treasure these sweet moments for a lifetime.

Today, I’m based in the tiny town of Steubenville, Ohio. The home of Buckeyes, fireflies, and simple, slow living. God has truly blessed us in our time here, and I’m so thrilled to serve the community surrounding us.









I hope we’ll have the opportunity to work together to document your story!



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