June 20, 2019

Adam + Krista | Lake Arrowhead, CA

You guys. I got to work with the best couple while we were on vacation in California. Yes, one of them is my brother. And yes, the other is a very special person I get to call sister in a few months.

So yes, I might be a bit biased.

The funny thing about these two is that they knew each other way back when. Our moms are friends, and there’s photo evidence of the two of them playing together as babies. Krista’s family moved to Ohio when she was young, but our moms stayed close friends. The two of them got together for dinner one night when Krista’s mom was visiting, they “casually” (riiiiiiight) invited Adam and Krista to join them. Krista was living in Texas at the time and Adam was working with the Angels in California. Starting a relationship at any time can be hard, but then you throw in long distance, it might take a miracle. But our moms are praying folk, so miracles are par for the course around here.

You want to know the best thing about that night? When Adam left, he told our mom that he knew he’d like to marry a girl like Krista.

(I’m not crying. You’re crying.)

Adam – I’ve looked up to you my whole life. From the way you “coached” me in soccer against neighbors, to the protective way you scared the crap out of my first boyfriend in high school, to feeling the depth of your brotherly love as you cried your eyes out at my wedding, I’ve always been blessed to call you brother. You’ve inspired me in your professional life (working in Major League Baseball is no joke, ya’ll), in the way you live out your faith, and in the way you cultivate deep relationships with those around you. You are an incredible human being. Thank you for being the man that you are.

Krista – I can’t adequately explain how excited I am to have you as a sister! I’m so grateful for you. You are the piece of our family we didn’t know we were missing. The peace you’ve brought Adam is palpable. You are his anchor and his lighthouse, and our family will never be able to thank you enough for loving him the way you do. I can’t wait for you two to start your forever, and I’m so glad I got to document the beginning of your life as husband and wife.

All my love,


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