October 8, 2020

Bridget + Johann | Mellon Park, PA

Johann and Bridget have one of those epic, movie style type love stories. They met in Austria through Franciscan University’s study abroad program. And because the Alps weren’t romantic enough, they decided their first date would be in Rome, complete with a tour of St. Peter’s, gelato, and literal (and probably figurative) fireworks.


I know. Oh, ma goodness.

But wait! There’s more!

Johann and his family are from Canada, and he intended to propose to Bridget this past March. But before he could get a flight to the United States, the borders closed. This pandemic has delayed, postponed, and canceled a lot of things. But Johann was determined not to wait. When he heard a rumor that he miiight be able to fly out in May, he took his chances, bought a ticket, and showed up on Bridget’s doorstep. (Anyone else picturing James Bond type stealth action while he crossed the border? No? Just me?)

Bridget and Johann, your love story is incredible, but it’s the peace I felt between you two that is the real gift. Thank you for inviting me in to capture this joyous time in your lives. Thank you for saying yes to your vocation in spite of the craziness that is 2020. Thank you for your witness of the Sacrament of marriage, and know I’ll be praying for you both as you prepare for your big day. I can’t wait to see the next chapter of your story unfold.

Cheers friends,


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