June 25, 2019

McNerney Family | Corvallis, OR

Hi friends!

Our vacation to the west coast was very full, complete with the gnarly colds our kids always seem to contract while traveling, AND—lucky us!—the stomach flu. (*insert sarcasm here*) But in addition to all the sickness, I got to hang out with Mike and Carinna, and their little ones Margo and Dashiell. Dash is my godson and let me tell you, this kid is going to do big things. I can feel it. He smiled the first time he met me (winning!), blows the best bubbles, and has some of the sweetest baby rolls I’ve ever seen.

Also, can we all take a moment and appreciate the love on Mike’s face in the second photo down below? I love the way these two orient themselves around each other. There’s a true and deep contentedness in their relationship. The kind of ease that comes after both the hard battles fought together and in the mundane, daily tasks done side by side.

Mike and Carinna, your family is a joy. And I’m so grateful you asked me to document this time while kids are young and days seem long. Because after all the epic potty training stories, and the swear words toddlers accidentally pick up, and the exhaustion newborns always bring, we’ll wish these kids were little again. If only for a (very short) moment. And when that moment comes, I hope you can look back at these photos and see all the wonder and magic that comes with raising these perfect little crazies we get to call our kids.

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Steubenville OH Family Photographer

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