June 5, 2020

Whitham Family | Steubenville, OH

I saw a post the other day, and it’s stuck with me. It read:


I promise to teach my babies

to love your babies. Period.”

And doesn’t it all hinge on that? Doesn’t it all come back to the way we love our families? Doesn’t it all come back to the way we teach our kids to see Christ in every person they encounter? There’s a lot of heavy in the world, especially right now. But there’s hope too. I see it in the way people reach out to each other. I see if in the held hands, the striving to listen, the desire to do better.

But most of all, I see it in families. I see it in the slow drip that is the martyrdom of parenthood. I see it in the tender, quiet moments between siblings. I see it in the Whitham family, who I had the joy of photographing this week. Whitney is a dear friend of mine, and her example in motherhood, her openness to all that is good in the world, it lifts me up. She’s the kind of person who never has and unkind thing to say, the kind of person who strives to see the good in everyone she encounters, and I’m better for having known her.

Whitham family – thank you for spending a joyful afternoon with me. Thank you for your example in loving one another. And to all the mommas out there, teaching your babies to love my babies, I promise to do the same.

Cheers, friends.


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